Buddy Daddies is a 12-episode one-cour anime from the Winter 2023 season that aired weekly from Jan 7 until Apr 1.
Initially, due to it's premise of 2 hitmen adopting a child, many surmised it to be "gay SpyxFamily" and expected it to be a typical slice of life / comedy anime. However, this was quickly disproven by its captivating cast of characters and realistic depictions of the joys and struggles of childcare, as well as hints towards the traumatic pasts of the two adult leads which would soon turn the endearing slice of life into an intense thriller.
Of course, I was one of many who were immediately enamoured with the series, staying up every friday night reloading Crunchyroll as I anxiously awaited the latest episode's release.
Every Friday night (or rather, Saturday morning...), after watching the latest episode, I would scroll through the #buddy daddies tag on Tumblr, reblogging basically everything I saw. There were always wonderfully crafted theories for the next episode which I would reblog, often with my own ideas in the tags. Occasionally, I'd come across character analysis and headcanon posts which made me reconsider certain characters from entirely new perspectives, and I'd always reblog those posts with my own revelations. Sometimes, the OP would respond, and we would build off of each others' ideas, creating long threads which, to an outsider, must have seemed like insane ramblings.
And the fanart! There were a plethora of amazing fanart from SO many brilliant artists, and I reblogged every single one I came across. But not just that - on Twitter, one of the official artists for the show, [Lily], would post semi-daily doodles of the lead trio, as well as occasional doodles of side characters too. We were very well fed.
That doesn't even cover fanfiction either, and trust me when I say there are some incredible fanfiction on AO3. Like, the talent of some of the writers on there is astounding. I wrote fanfiction too, though admittedly I never shared any of it publicly.