Fang is unequivocally my favourite character and the one who i think about the most so he's going to have the longest page. sorry


grew up in hong kong, in a condo/apartment. working class. don't ask me what his parents do, i don't know either. all i know is he absolutely adores them. definitely an only child. has a much closer relationship with his father who he bonded with through martial arts, but still loves his mom very much. she taught him how to cook. he loooooves cooking traditional cantonese food. big fan of char kway teow. grew up on jackie chan & bruce lee films but don't ask him about the former because he can talk for hours about how much he detests the guy despite loving his movies.

very important to note, fang is trans ftm to me. realised he was a boy maybe around 13-14 but had a denial phase. eventually came out/socially transitioned at 16. despite this i still think he did martial arts (judo, taekwondo, what have you) since he was like. idk. four. also did other sports like football (or soccer if youre american) in high school and just generally has always liked going to the gym and doing strength training. has a very lean, muscular build. hella thick thighs. i also think he'd be crazy at DDR because there's no way a guy like him who's quick on his feet ISNT good at DDR. like c'mon. he's totally the type of guy who would play DDR too. 100% he definitely does DDR battles with brock in the arcade. there is literally zero doubt in my mind whatsoever about this.

anyway going back to sports, i think he'd eventually drop football only because he'd face resistance when trying to switch to the boys team. there'd definitely be some idiotic transphobes amongst them but i like to think that he also does have a cis guy friend who he gets along with well and who got him into football in the first place. fang's known the guy since they were both in middle school and has lowkey had a crush for a while, but doesn't make any particular effort to pursue those feelings because he's happy just being friends. eventually, maybe shortly before fang transitions, the guy ends up asking him out and they get into a relationship. but after fang comes out as trans, even though the guy tries his best to make it work, he ends up breaking it off because as much as he likes fang, he realised he just couldn't like fang as a guy. as in, he was attracted to fang when he still id'd as a girl and lost attraction once fang transitioned. he still liked fang, but it was no longer romantic. and even though they part ways amicably (and he helps fang fight for his switch to the boys football team), fang still ends up developing insecurities from this that he buries really deep inside him and tries not to think about. i swear i am not projecting with this headcanon.

in terms of his parents, i think he would be very tomboyish even before coming out and his parents would be very accepting of his boyishness (allowing him to wear his hair short, not forcing him to wear skirts/dresses even to formal events, etc) despite not knowing he's trans. but i still think he doesn't come out to them immediately because even tho he loves and trusts them, theres still a tiny part of him thats scared they'll get mad. he does end up telling them tho when he's like, i dunno. 20. and they're just like "oh yeah we kinda already knew. we still love you anyway." god i hope my parents are that nice about it lol.

but anyway yeah, he tells them shortly before he gets on HRT. i think fang would be really excited to start HRT, and he'd do IM injections because. well. i don't know actually. i just feel like he'd be the kinda guy to prefer injections and he wouldn't mind the larger IM needles. to me, fang's medical journey is probably like, HRT -> hysterectomy -> top surgery. i don't think he'd get phallo because tbh i don't think he has very strong dysphoria so he would be happy with just the bottom growth from T. yes this part is projection, i'm not even gonna bother denying it.

arrival at starr park

ok im gonna be honest. starr park to me is just some regular ass park that happens to be the size of a city. like one of those worker towns or whatever. or like if walt disneys miniature town in the fuckin amazon or whatever actually worked out. because i like normal life and writing stories based around domesticity. i am not a dystopia writer. i apologise.

with this in mind, i think fang comes to starr park to pursue a better life. he probably arrives when he's like, i dunno, 25ish. and he finds himself working at the cinema because he just applied to every open position possible and took the first job that accepted him. even though he's an immigrant, i think his confident and charismatic personality earns him friends quickly and easily, and he becomes best friends with buster almost instantaneously. they just Click. it helps that they're both trans ftm. (fuck canon they are trans to ME and thats all that matters)

fang takes a liking to buster immediately and i think there's foundations for a relationship already there but fang doesn't pursue it because he literally just arrived and doesn't want to fuck up the friendship. buster on the other hand falls head over heels instantly but similarly doesn't make a move because of his own social anxiety and insecurities which i delve more into in his section. in any case, by the time fang's been in starr park for a year, he realises he's probably missed any potential opening for a relationship and sort of makes peace with the fact he probably won't ever get romantically involved with buster and moves on from the crush (buster doesn't tho but again, his section.)


this thus brings us to his relationship with shelly. let me make this very clear: i am NOT a fang/shelly shipper. however, i see the ship as having incredible potential as a transitionary phase in both their lives that makes them realise things about themselves that they wouldn't have otherwise.

fang is bisexual. he's liked guys and girls fairly equally throughout his life and has a pretty solid idea of his own sexuality. shelly, in contrast, does not. she has never experienced romantic love, ever. she doesn't get crushes and doesn't really understand what people see or experience when they describe being in love. she thinks she is straight because default sexuality but has never actually been attracted to a guy, at least not really. she likes colt, but she realised quite quickly that she didn't like him the same way he liked her and even though it sucked, she was honest with him and it took him a long time but he eventually got over it. and they managed to stay best friends.

when shelly meets fang, they both take a liking to each other almost instantly - fang thinks shelly is the prettiest woman he's ever laid eyes on and shelly thinks fang is actually pretty charming and suave despite his idiotic sense of humour. i think its important to note here that i think fang has a quite casual approach to romance so i think he would ask shelly out basically immediately. you might see this and go "but wait why didn't he do that with buster" and well buster is different because he cares about losing buster more okay. when he first meets her, shelly's just Some Lady, so it's way less scary than potentially making an enemy out of the guy you have to see at work every day.

anyway. i think shelly would think she likes fang because he makes her feel A Way that she's never felt before, like very warm and soft and happy. and in the first month of dating they would be very happy and loving and adoring of each other. fang is definitely a really touchy guy and takes every opportunity to hold shelly (by the hand, shoulder, waist, anything) and sneak quick kisses to her which shelly doesn't mind. but she doesn't get the urge to do the same to fang, and she gets kinda worried about like, not appreciating him enough, or not showing him enough affection. and that leads to her doing some awkward shit to which fang laughs it off and tells her not to worry about touching him if she doesn't want to. just, fang telling her that she doesn't have to show affection in the same way as he does and letting her know that she should do whatever makes her most comfortable. him being reassuring and allowing shelly to realise that you don't have to express love in a specific way ,,,, just thinking about it makes me feel so soft and warm T T..

but eventually, fang tries to initiate sex, and this is where it gets complicated, because to me shelly is a really repressed sex-repulsed asexual. she doesn't know why, but she just instantly reacts with disgust when fang tries to be sexual with her, and obviously fang stops as soon as he sees she's uncomfortable but there is a tiny part of him that's a little disappointed and sad. i think shelly is okay with kissing and maybe light touching but absolutely completely repulsed by anything further than that. and to her it's strange and conflicting because she usually doesn't mind when, for example, fang grabs her by the waist, but when it's in the context of them being in bed together it suddenly just becomes really gross to her. it creates an inner conflict in shelly that brings her close to a breakdown because she wants to love fang, she wants to do the things that he wants to do, that will make him happy, but she can't. for the record, she doesn't have any kind of sexual trauma, she literally just does not like sex.

and this hurts both of them, a lot. fang won't say it outright but shelly can tell he's scared that she doesn't really like him. and it tears shelly apart because she doesn't know how to even begin expressing what she feels. they love each other, very much so, but they're fundamentally incompatible. and i think they would have a very painful, difficult breakup - one where they end up not speaking to each other for a very long time afterwards. but the relationship forces shelly to confront the feelings she's tried to avoid for so very long and when she talks to piper and tara (my fav ace lesbians btw), she finally learns a name for what she is and what she feels (or rather what she doesn't). and shelly finally starts to realise that a typical het relationship just isn't something she wants, and in the process of healing from the breakup, she comes to understand and make peace with who she really is.

fang, on the other hand, gets the short end of the stick. he knows logically that shelly just literally can't have the same sexual attraction as he does (he realises she's ace far before she does). and he knows that the relationship ending was no fault of his own. and yet. it brings back those insecurities from his childhood that he thought he'd gotten over, of not being the right kind of person. of being rejected. of being alone.

it hurts him more than he'd ever care to admit.

and in the aftermath of his breakup with shelly, fang very noticeably loses the spark that had attracted so many of his friends towards him. he becomes quieter, less enthusiastic, less witty. he tries to hide it, but his jokes stop landing as cleanly and his body language becomes more closed off, more uncertain, more aversive. as much as he likes drinking, fang isn't one to drink himself to death - he prefers losing time to sleep instead, falling into a dreamless void every moment he doesn't have to be awake. and if he can't fall asleep, he works out until his body is too tired to do anything but sleep.

buster is the one who pulls him out of it. buster knows quiet, he's intimately familiar with it, and he's willing to sit with fang in that quiet for as long as fang needs him to. even if they aren't necessarily doing anything together, buster comes around to fang's place just so they can exist in the same room, and it's small but it makes fang feel so much better. when he eventually feels okay enough to go out again, he goes with buster to a birthday party (amber's, probably - i haven't ironed the details out yet completely) and maybe he gets a little drunk and flirts with buster. and buster - buster's shy, uncertain, and he wants to be with fang but he's scared that fang's doing it just because he's drunk, so buster resists his advances and fang backs off. fang thinks to himself, oh, i've misread this relationship, haven't i? and pulls himself back, stops being so close with buster, stops touching him as much even beyond this little encounter. and buster notices this, and he just doesn't know what to do, how to fix it.

i think i've maybe gone on a little too much. there's so much to say about them. but that's what fanfic writing is for, so i'm cutting it short here. don't wanna spoil the story too much.

other headcanons

there are a lot of little thoughts i have around fang's character. so many are inconsequential, but they build his character up and make him special (and sometimes, a little more like me, or the me who i want to be.) so here they are.

  • '80s boy!! obviously he was born in the year of the tiger (he was released in the year of the tiger update so it just makes sense to make that his zodiac) so that would put his birth year at 1986. definitely grew up consuming lots of classic hong kong cinema and asian cartoons, as well as some popular western media like comic books and games. definitely had an nes and maybe a gameboy too. yes that does make him like 40 if we're going by the current year. middle aged fang is hot okay. do not even get me started on middle aged fang/buster... i get so pathetic thinking about them.
  • fang is good with kids. this one's a big one inspired by my cousins. i have a cousin who has a little kid, maybe 4 or 5, and all my other cousins are just so good at interacting with her, engaging her and making her laugh. i don't really get how they do it - i'm awful with kids. but seeing them play with her and seeing her smile is really heartwarming. so, i want fang to be good with kids. besides, he's charming and knows all sorts of tricks, so i think kids would just naturally think he's cool and funny anyway.
  • adopts gus with buster :3c this is a big one for me.. it ties into the previous point about him being good with kids. him and buster didn't plan on having kids but gus kinda just falls into their lap (read: buster finds him abandoned at the ghost station) and they end up taking him in and caring for him. as a parent, fang is totally the one who gus goes to when he wants to ask for something or to do something that may be of questionable risk. for sure a lot more relaxed and less responsible than buster, just sort of lets gus do whatever he wants as long as he keeps himself as safe as possible. definitely the parent who gus rings up when he gets in trouble lol. fang will obviously tell him off, but he's just not as strict as buster. he trusts gus to take care of himself and he also trusts that if gus needs him, he'll reach out to fang on his own.
  • fang is a dog guy. 1000% when he and buster get pets, he's getting a golden retriever or some other really big, playful and friendly dog. he would also love to take the dog for walks, and loves taking naps with it.
  • he doesn't really wear clothes at home. when he's alone or only with buster, he lounges in just boxers. after they adopt gus he starts wearing shirts and shorts though because it feels weird to be naked with a kid around lol. but he still sleeps in only boxers.
  • he likes stealing buster's clothes, because they're big on him, and he likes the smell and the softness
  • VODKA ENJOYER. massive vodka cocktail enjoyer. also loves soju and sake. probably stocks his home fridge with sake and gets a nice bottle of vodka for special stuff like birthdays and what have you. will also indulge in the occasional champagne, mostly for NYE or other non-birthday celebrations.
  • he's very flirty and outgoing normally but this gets put on overdrive when he's drunk, which means he has a lot of casual sexual experiences as a result. he has a very casual/relaxed attitude towards relationships and sex. the way he sees it, he likes anyone who can give him a good time. he does get regular checks for sti/stds though, he's not that stupid or reckless. obviously this all stops after he gets into serious relationships lol but the point is that he has a lot more romantic and sexual experience compared to buster and shelly.
  • i can't really imagine fang being anything other than monogamous though. i think he would be willing/open to trying polyamory but it wouldn't be his preference.
  • definitely has experience with chasers and hates them.
  • i think he keeps in contact with his parents through writing letters to his dad :) when my dad was travelling, he would send me postcards from all the countries he was in, and this is inspired from that. except instead of short postcards, fang and his dad would write really long letters about everything that had happened in the time between their last letter. i dont know where starr park is exactly, as in what continent or whatever, but for this headcanon i just assume postage is like a month, so they send letters every other month.
  • wherever starr park is, i don't think fang gets days off for CNY and he can't go home to see his parents. so instead, his dad sends him angpao money through bank transfer, and writes a letter that he tries to send at a specific time so it gets to fang on or around the first few days of CNY. at some point, i think his parents would take a trip to starr park to visit and celebrate CNY with him and he'd be super excited about it. (again, he loves his parents to death and they love him just as much.) he would totally go all out on making all sorts of chinese food to impress his mom lol.
  • i mentioned this above but i want to expand on it, so: fang is trans ftm and starts HRT when he's around 19 or 20. shortly thereafter he gets a total hysto, maybe around 21, and then gets a periareolar masectomy (aka keyhole masectomy) when he's ~23. because he still has his ovaries he can survive without T but it's very rare for him to go off of it as his hormones kinda go all over the place when he does. i think he would start with IM injections but would eventually move towards the 3 or 6 month injections when he's older.
  • i don't think fang has very strong dysphoria, mainly because he grew up in a very accepting household which means he never really doubts his own identity. when he's faced with transphobia, he doesn't necessarily feel dysphoria per se because it never makes him question his identity, it just pisses him off that others disrespect him. so it's like the same kind of anger that he would get with non-trans related disrespect.
  • speaking of anger, i think fang's very quick to speak up and defend others when he sees people being disrespectful or rude. definitely not afraid of starting a fight and putting himself in a difficult spot to protect others, even strangers. he's a skilled and trained martial artist, after all - he can handle himself.
  • on a more positive note, i think fang absolutely LOVES cuddling/snuggling. definitely very much loves kissing and cuddling more than actual sex. can make out with buster for hours without going any further. also a very giggly kisser. constantly giggling at every little thing buster does. buster thinks its adorable. related: fang also loves taking naps together.
  • type of guy who covers his phone in stickers
  • made friendship bracelets for him, buster and maisie :] fun fact, his title in melayu is "creative artist" rather than "sneaker artist", so i think fang would like making things. when he's bored, he'll make little doodles of him and his friends and sometimes he sticks them up on his wall.
  • also loves lego :] is way too lazy to keep actual plants so he gets the lego flower sets instead. he thinks theyre super pretty!!
  • he's big on trinkets and collectibles. has a massive action figure collection that he loves and takes very good care of. absolutely WILL ramble about each individual figure at length if prompted to.
  • apple juice enjoyer :]


buster and maisie are his best friends!!! they are the silliest friend group and i love them. so, here are all my headcanons about them, from fang's perspective :]

  • when fang arrives at starr park and gets a job at the cinema, buster and maisie have already been working there for a couple years and so theyre close friends already and fang is the new guy. this doesn't stop fang from becoming pretty instant friends with buster, though. maisie on the other hand is initially a bit more apprehensive about fang - she does find him charismatic, but she also notices instantly that he's a lot more reckless than she'd like. this creates tension between them, but fang eventually learns to be a little more responsible and maisie begins to understand why fang does the things he does sometimes, and both of them learn to appreciate each other more over time.
  • in terms of responsibility, obviously maisie is the most responsible. but i think buster is still pretty responsible as well, or at least not as reckless as fang. fang can be idiotic but in general, he tries not to do anything too stupid that would be difficult for him to clean up himself. but of course there are times where he doesn't realise how dangerous something he's doing actually is and that's when maisie comes in. but still, he and buster can hold their own and it's not like they need maisie to baby them.
  • still, fang sees maisie as something like an older sister. if you're curious, my age headcanons for the trio are that buster is one year older than fang and maisie is four years older. so, 1986, 1985, 1982. (tiger, ox, dog :]) this makes maisie way more mature than the two of them, but i don't want that to diminish fang and buster's own ability to take care of themselves like it's portrayed in the promo material for their trio lol. fang's strengths lie in his charisma and strength, buster's lie in his technical knowledge and artistry, and maisie's lie in her problem solving skills and level headedness. they all have different strengths that work in tandem and allow them to manage different parts of the cinema. (fang is front of house, buster is tech work, maisie is safety & management. buster and maisie definitely have a lot more overlap, but the difference is that buster manages the more analog stuff like projectors and speakers while maisie handles stuff like the digital screens that project advertising and promotional material. maisie also does much more paperwork.)
  • fang actually admires maisie a lot. he respects her ability to stay calm in dangerous situations and problem solve on the spot. similarly, he respects buster and his ability to troubleshoot and fix all the technical equipment. fang doesn't really interact with most of the physical equipment in the cinema, he works ticketing and food service after all, so he's more attuned towards the social front-facing customer service. therefore, he respects buster and maisie's ability to do the things he can't.
  • they usually all hang out at fangs apartment because his is the most tailored towards having guests around (as in, he has bean bags and big couches to lounge around in, and enough controllers for all of them to play games together). the three of them work 3–11 wed-sun though because it makes sense that that's when a cinema would be most crowded. so, they tend to hangout in the late morning/early afternoon, which means fang usually makes lunch for all of them. but sometimes when he feels lazy he'll ask maisie to make lunch and she'll bring it over.
  • out of the three of them, i think fang would actually be the best cook, but maisie is a close second. buster's cooking is fine, he just doesn't know as many recipes as fang and maisie do. and also lowkey cuz he's a white guy lol so i think it'd be funny if he doesn't know how to season food properly. or at least he doesn't appreciate how much seasoning can elevate a meal until he eats maisie and fangs cooking.
  • i mentioned this in fang's 'self' section but i think it's worth mentioning here too: after knowing them for a year or two, fang makes the three of them friendship bracelets that they all wear pretty much all the time. the main reason i came up with this is actually because i didn't like how fang and maisie have the popcorn symbol which ties them together yet buster lacks this in his design. i have no idea why, because it'd be the perfect connecting symbol to tie their trio together, but still. to remedy this i just gave them all friendship bracelets with the little popcorn icon on it and headcanon that fang made it for them.
  • birthdays! i make their birthday their release day because it's easy, so this means fang is jan 17, maisie is may 1 and buster is nov 7. capricorn, taurus, scorpio. they don't really match the stereotypical personalities except maybe maisie taurus, but they do actually all have really good compatibility if you believe in zodiacs/astrology, so there's that lol. anyway, i think for birthdays fang tends to give money, buster tends to give cards, and maisie tends to give perishables.
  • fang isn't one to talk particularly openly about relationship issues but sometimes he will seek out relationship advice from maisie, especially because she's older and has been in a long term relationship with amber for ages (like, probably half a decade or more). he respects her opinion a lot, even if he doesn't always act on her advice. however, if he wants to just vent without necessarily receiving advice, then he'll speak with buster. for more general life advice, who he goes to depends on what its about, but he'd probably still go to maisie first for most things.


this section is for all the other relationships in fang's life, of which there are many :]

max, janet, surge

max is probably THE single most important person in fang's life after buster and his parents. by extension, janet (max's girlfriend) therefore becomes a prominent figure in fang's life, and so does surge.

  • max and fang grew up in the same apartment complex; they were neighbours and their parents were close friends from uni. they've known each other basically since they were in diapers. max is 4 yrs fang's junior and he sees her like a little sister. as a kid, he spent a lot of time taking care of her, which is also partly why he's good with kids now.
  • as kids, max was always the better runner, and they would go on morning runs together where they'd bookend it with a race that max always won. it never bothered fang though because he knew he was better than her in other areas like martial arts. still, he was a little jealous when max made it to the olympics.
  • when max becomes an olympiad, she gets a scholarship to go to starr park (again, think of it like a city instead of a park), and basically works her ass off to earn enough money to buy fang a one-way ticket to starr park too. as kids, it was always their dream to immigrate to starr park together, and max is the one who makes it possible. fang is eternally grateful for this.
  • the whole max paying for fang thing is also the reason why fang comes to starr park at ~25 instead of for uni or directly after. when fang first arrives, he stays with max for a while, but eventually moves out into his own apartment after a few months.
  • max isn't one to hold the debt over fang's head or anything, nor is fang the type to make a huge deal about paying it back when max doesn't really care about that. instead, he pays it back in the form of making max all her favourite food and indulging her in all the insane shit she wants to do together. they have a really tight bond and basically become 10x more chaotic when they're together because they bounce off of each others' energy and have the type of friendship where they're constantly saying "i'll do it if you do it".
  • they both also trash talk each other all the time, but they know they never really mean what they say and it's just banter. when it comes down to it, they can recognise when the other is upset and know how to offer comfort when it's needed. even though they're typically loud and chaotic around each other, they also know how to exist in silence and appreciate each others' company even when they aren't talking.
  • max was fang's number one supporter when he came out as trans, and she's always been in his corner rooting for him. same with fang, he's always been encouraging her to pursue bigger goals and has always showed up to cheer at every competition that he could. they're been each other's biggest fan and supporter since day one.
  • when fang falls into the depressive bout after breaking up with shelly, max is one of the first to notice the change in his behaviour, even though he tries to hide it. she visits him with food after one of her shifts on monday and isn't surprised to find him sleeping - she's familiar with how he gets when he's sad. she wakes him up just to make him eat something, even though his appetite is barely there, and sits with him until he falls back asleep. she doesn't force him to talk about it because she knows it'll take him time before he finds the energy to do so, so instead she just makes sure fang knows she's there whenever he feels like talking. her and buster end up visiting fang fairly often, mostly on mondays and tuesdays, and fang appreciates them both a lot for it even though he struggles to express that. max is the one whos there when fang manages to stay awake through the entirety of enter the dragon (1973), and after the movie ends she just smiles at him and says "youre still awake". in a way, it's a statement of pride and of congratulation that fang appreciates more than max realises.
  • with regards to janet and surge, fang becomes close with them through max. fang thinks janet is actually way funnier than she gives herself credit for, and their humour syncs pretty perfectly. janet is pretty outgoing, moreso than max, but she still tends to be the one who reigns fang and max in and stops them from doing anything overly reckless. fang also thinks janet is an amazing singer and probably owns a few of her records on vinyl, because i think buster would have a vinyl player and fang would absolutely take advantage of it.
  • surge is the japanese-manufactured robot that's supposed to track max's vitals and help her maintain her health so she can get optimal results in her races. in reality, he's way too relaxed to do his job properly and fang actually likes him a lot because of how chill, outgoing and funny he is. whenever the four of them play pool, fang and max always insist on going against each other, so the teams are always max and janet vs fang and surge. fang considers surge to be an excellent pool partner. also, fang loves the fact that surge can just dispense max's branded energy drink on command. he actually loves the taste of it and drinks it all the time during training.

stu, bonnie, meg

  • i think fang would LOVE stu. he would see him as sort of like a really cool uncle and he thinks the stunts stu can do are insanely impressive. i think he would love watching stu and janet's shows and would watch them with max all the time. fang would totally want to hear all of stu's stories about past shows and whatnot, and he'd probably try to convince stu to teach him a couple tricks as well.
  • whenever fang sees bonnie, he lets her braid his hair because she loves doing it due to how soft and silky his hair is. he even lets her put flower clips in, because she thinks its pretty and he thinks its cute how excited she gets. other than that, i think he just treats her like any other kid and plays with her but isn't like, particularly close with her or anything. he's basically just like, an uncle to her, and that's it.
  • this is ooc but when i found out megs supposed to be an adult my jaw DROPPED. originally my headcanons about her in relation to fang treated her as if she was a kid, and now that i know she's not, i kinda don't really know what to do with her character. what i have currently is that she's a tech-loving robotics major who loves reading STEM magazines and tinkering with robots. i guess if i had to give her an age, i'd put her around max and janet's ages, born ~1989-1991. i think fang wouldn't be that close to her, especially since they don't really have any shared interests, they're just fine/neutral with each other.

primo, amber, poco

  • primo is fang's training partner!! they go to the gym and do strength training together and spot each other. they also sometimes get drinks together, and i think they have a really strong friendship, though not one thats particularly deep or anything. they just have fun with each other :]
  • amber is maisie's girlfriend, so fang becomes friends with her through maisie, but he never becomes like SUPER close with her. they do tend to bounce off of each other and do reckless shit together similar to how fang and max do but just to a much lesser extent, especially because buster and maisie are usually there to stop them from doing anything that's too dangerous or risky. fang likes amber though, he thinks she's lots of fun.
  • poco is close friends with primo and amber, so to fang he's like a friend of a friend. not that close, but fang will occasionally go watch his shows and events to support poco when he can. he really likes poco's music and owns it on vinyl as well.

chester, mandy, brock, bibi

  • fang and chester are prank bros, they bounce prank ideas off each other all the time. they mainly talk to each other over text and don't actually see each other that often, but they do get together for drinks sometimes. mandy is chester's best friend, so fang knows her through him, but they aren't that close.
  • i think the cinema and arcade are interlinked with each other because of the year of the tiger animation where you see fang cleaning up the arcade. so like, they're different parts of the same company/business/section/whatever. therefore, fang and brock are coworkers, and as mentioned in the 'self' section, i think they would be DDR buddies. bibi is brock's girlfriend, so again friend of a friend. fang thinks she's actually really cool but he's also lowkey a bit scared of her due to how cold she is when they meet, so initially he doesn't talk to her that much. however when he finds out she's actually a huge nerd like brock, they bond over arcade fighting games like street fighter and tekken. the three of them exploit fang and brock's employee discounts like crazy.


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